Take an in-depth look at one of the most strengthening, healing, and impressive master practices of yoga—agni sara—the abdominal energizing technique. Your digestive fire, or agni, is the foundation on which good health is built. Sara means essence. Through this practice, you create—and embody—the energy, lightness, and transformative qualities of fire. Practiced regularly, agni sara increases metabolism, tones core muscles, improves circulation to internal organs, strengthens the pelvic region, improves elimination, promotes reproductive health, exercises the diaphragm, massages the heart and lungs, increases energy, and elevates mood. Agni sara practice builds core strength from the inside out and provides the foundation for the deepest abdominal work possible—nauli kriya.
We are part of a beautiful tapestry—the web of life. The practice of agni sara helps us understand our place in that tapestry, and it empowers us to heed the voice and guidance of the inner teacher that is ever-present.
Take responsibility for our dharma in this special weekend workshop. Learn why the ancient yoga texts and sages agreed that agni sara cures all digestive illnesses—and said that if you have time for only one yoga practice each day, that practice should be agni sara.
In this workshop, we’ll focus on:
Essential preparatory practices for agni sara
Physiological and energetic consequences of agni sara
The systematic approach to mastering this master practice
How to apply the strength this practice generates into our other practices and life